Archive for the ‘3dsmax free plugin’ Category

Geditor source files

Jeudi, mars 3rd, 2011

Geditor is an object modifier for 3dsmax created in 2000 something for kalisto four wheels thunder team
there s basicaly  there’s 2 different way to use it:

  • 3 spinners to modify vertex  selection rgb colors ( each vcol independently multiplied by the spinners value )
  • or you can pick another 3ds max node in the scene to propagate it s vetex color ( kind of projection )

Unfortunately my last build was for 3dsmas 3 many years ago , I guess meanwhile something has been changed , so my las attempt to rebuild this plugin failed, it does build, but doesnt work , since the object have few others vertex channels it probably need some modification to make it work again

i ll try to fix that and post a fresh build for latest max versions asap, meanwhile, feel free to pick up the source code , debug .. build . just send me back  your version  it would be nice ..


vertlistutil display callback source code

Jeudi, mars 3rd, 2011

new link in dowload section :

a zip file that contain the source code for my vertlisutil.dl plugin
i think it’s probably a nice catch for programers who need a framework to buid such  display function

pretty simple in fact ..

enjoy .. or not !



check the link section on right tab :  you ll find a fresh build of this utility for 3dsmax 2012 both 32 and 64 bit

new fre 3dsmax 8 plugin

Lundi, février 28th, 2011

display callback to spot the degenerated faces in 3dsmax 8, …..clic the pig

clic me !

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